Just a little good story

A man came from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5 years old son waiting for him at the door.
" daddy, may i ask you a question?"
" yeah sure, what is it?" replied the man.
" Daddy , how much do you make an hour?"
" That's none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?" the man said angrily.
" I just want to know, please tell me, how much do you make an hour?"pleade the little boy.
" If you must know, i make $ 20 an hour.
" Oh, the little boy replied, with his head down.
" looking Up!" he said
" daddy, may i please borrow $ 10 ?"
the father was furious, " if the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march your self straight to your room and go to bed.
Think about why you are being so selfish . I work long hard hours everyday and dont have time for such this childish behaviour.
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.
The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy's question.How dare he ask such question pnly to get some money?.
After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down , and started to think, he may have been a little hard on his son. Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $ 10 and he really didnt ask for money very often.

The man went to the door of the little boy's room and opened the door.
" are you asleep son?" he asked.
" no daddy, i'm awake," replied the boy
" i've been thinking, maybe i was too hard on you earlier," said the man.
" here's the $10 you asked for".
the little boy sat straight up, smiling." Oh, Thank you, daddy!" he yelled.
Then , reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.
The man , seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.
The little boy slowly counted out his money, then look up at his father.
" Why do you want more money if you already have some?" the father grumbled.
" Because i didnt have enough, but now i do." the little boy replied.
" Daddy, i have $ 20 now. Can i buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you".

i've got this from my mom.
really a very very good story..
hope u like it too :)


halo semua...
ini gw mau kasi liat baju2 buat angkatan ke empat inhar "G-Fource"





Ular Raksasa Berusia 140 Tahun Ditemukan Pekerja Proyek, Beratnya 300Kg

Saat penggalian pondasi suatu bangunan untuk proyek, salah seorang pekerj yang menggali tanah dengan menggunakan eskavator terkejut melihat seperti aga kucuran darah mengalir, setelah diteliti lebih lanjut ternyata tanpa dia sadari alat eskavatornya telah mengenai kepala ular jenis python raksasa yang sangat besar dan panjang.

Ular raksasa ini ditemukan di propinsi Liaoning China. Media lokal yang dikutip ruanghati.com menyebutkan setelah ular tersebut terluka maka para dokter hewan dan klinik hewan setempat berusaha keras untuk bisa menolongnya, sampai akhirnya mereka merujuk penyelamatannya ke Beijing namun ular raksasa malang tadi benar-benar tidak tertolong dan akhirnya harus mati.
Menurut media tersebut para ahli hewan setempat memperkirakan ular raksasa tersebut sudah berusia 140 tahun dengan panjang 16,7 meter dan memiliki bobot mati 300 kilogram, wah bila dibayangkan sangat besar sekali memang, mungkin sapi bisa ditelan sama ini ular. Beberapa saat setelah itu, ada ular raksasa lainnya ditemukan tidak jauh dari tempat yang pertama tadi namun ketika para pekerja konstruksi tersebut ingin menyelamatkannya ular tersebut lari ke dalam hutan.

maaf kalo repost, cuma mau sharing aja hehehe...


KOMPEKDIS (Komik Pendek Tidak Berisi)

Komik yg dikasih nama KOMPEKDIS (Komik Pendek Tidak Berisi) ini dibuat oleh Ipat sekitar tahun 1998 (menurut om google). Komik yang satu ini berisi tawa dan jenaka dalam bentuk "Black Humor", juga kadang menyinggung fakta di Indonesia. Penuh dengan caci dan makian (terutama jenis-jenis binatang). Penasaran kaya gimana isi komiknya??

selebih nya


walaupun oasis dah bubar, yg penting gw tetep suka hahahaaha ga pnting.

soorry nih postingan gw sringnya dr youtube..

ayo dong noel ama liam bring your magic back...


FILM 2012

Benarkah dunia akan kiamat tahun 2012 mendatang? Inilah sebuah petualangan dalam kisah kepahlawanan tentang krisis global yang mengancam keutuhan dunia dan alam semesta. Dalam film 2012 besutan Roland Emerich yang dibintangi oleh John Cusack ini bisa jadi memiliki jawabannya. Tunggu saja tanggal mainnya pada 13 November mendatang.
